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An object containing the information for events




club: string

The name of the club that is hosting the event

description: string

The description of the event

editorId: string

The ID of the user who creates this event

end: number

The time in UTC milliseconds that the event ends

eventId: string

The ID assigned by the Google Calendar API to the calendar event

id: string

The unique UUIDv4 for the event

location: string

The value of the location that the event takes place in

name: string

The name of the event

noEnd?: boolean

If true, the event will not have an end time

publicEvent: boolean

True to show on schedule view/calendar/Google Calendar

repeatingId: string

Repeating ID for connecting repeating events

repeatsUntil: number

End repeating date for the event

reservation: boolean

True to show on reservation calendar/check for overlaps

start: number

The time in UTC milliseconds that the event starts

type: EventType

Type of the event

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